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Meet the Team at Northside Family Dentistry

The team members at Northside Family Dentistry are here to assist our dentist in delivering excellent care for your smile, but we are also here to make your visit a positive experience. We have a great sense of humor and are hardworking and down-to-earth. You will always be greeted with a smile at every visit, and our team is dedicated to providing you with efficient and comfortable dental treatments in Macon, Georgia. To plan your visit, contact us today at 478-475-1976.

Dr. Clinton M Watson

Clinton M. Watson, DDS, MBA

Dr. Clinton M. Watson is a native of Milledgeville, Georgia. Dr. Watson earned his bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, and completed his DDS at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Upon graduation, Dr. Watson returned to his hometown of Milledgeville to begin practicing dentistry as an associate. In July 1990, Dr. Watson opened his own practice in Macon, Georgia, in Baconsfield Plaza. Dr. Watson remained in Baconsfield until November 2005 when he fulfilled his lifelong dream and opened the state-of-the-art facility, Northside Family Dentistry.

Dr. Watson has committed many hours to continuing education to stay on the cutting edge of the latest advancements in dentistry. He has practiced dentistry in Macon, Georgia, for more than 30 years. He is a member of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, American Dental Association®, National Dental Association, Georgia Dental Association, and Georgia Dental Society.

Dr. Watson has also dedicated himself to serving the community. He, along with a network of local dentists, has participated in the D.T. Walton Jr. Share-a-Smile scholarship program. The program provided underserved youth with dental scholarships, which gave them access to free life-changing dental work. He has also served as a mentor in the Adopt-a-Role Model program in Macon.

Dr. Watson and his wife, Dr. Aleshia Watson, have been married for over 30 years and have three beautiful children: Clinton Jr., Christian, and Kimberly. Dr. Watson is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys bass fishing and golfing throughout the Southeast region.

Chauncey Connor, DDS

Dr. Conner began his dental career over 38 years ago. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and his interest in dentistry came from early childhood dental issues that he and his family encountered. He obtained his B.S. in Chemistry with a minor in mathematics from Howard University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Conner also obtained his Doctorate of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Howard University. After obtaining his DDS, he started his career via missionary work in Yaounde, Cameroon as the Dental Director for three years. In his formative years, Dr. Conner also served as the Director of the Brooklyn Plaza Dental Center, which serviced a large diverse population. As the owner and co-founder of Conner Dental Associates in 2005. Dr. Conner had the opportunity to practice dentistry using the latest technology and enjoyed spending time with each patient.

As a “Physician of the Mouth,* Dr. Conner provides gentle and compassionate dental care to his patients. Dr. Conner has been affiliated with various professional organizations such as the American Orthodontic Society, Implant Seminars, American Dental Association, and the Academy of Laser Dentistry. He believes in supporting the community, and to this extent his practice partnered with local schools and also did community outreach activities. Dr. Conner’s future goals include lecturing and helping other young doctors become proficient in private practice. In his spare time, Dr. Conner enjoys exercise, sports, travel, chess, and spending quality time with his wife, children, and grandchild.

LaRunda Jones

LaRunda Jones, RDH

  • Associate of Applied Sciences degree in dental hygiene from Central Georgia Technical College in May 2014
  • Bachelor of Biological Sciences degree from Georgia College and State University in May 1994
  • Golden Scaler Award in May 2014
  • Member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Georgia Dental Hygienists’ Association
  • CPR- and first aid-certified
  • Dental hygiene philosophy: to provide quality care for patients and educate them in-home care and preventive maintenance to the extent that they comprehend and are compliant
Richard Rutherford

Richard Rutherford, RDH

  • Associate of Applied Technology degree in dental hygiene from Middle Georgia Technical College in May 2004, finishing in the top 3% of the class
  • Recipient of the Colgate Student Total Achievement Recognition Award
  • Recipient of the Esther Wilkins Scholarship
  • Recipient of the ACC Health “and Then Some” Award given to the person who goes above and beyond what is asked of them
  • Member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Georgia Dental Hygienists’ Association
  • Member of Logistics Health Incorporated, providing dental care for the brave men and women of the Army Reserve and National Guard
  • CPR- and first aid-certified
  • Dental hygiene philosophy: to provide all patients with quality care and understanding; to educate each patient and provide them with the necessary information and tools needed for optimal home care
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LaTricia Dixon, RDH

  • Associate of Science degree from Gordon College in 2003
  • Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from Clayton State University in 2005, graduating cum laude
  • CPR-certified
  • Member of the American Dental Hygienists Association
  • Member of the Georgia Dental Hygienists Association
  • Continuing education courses annually
  • Practiced in the metro-Atlanta area for 16 years before moving to the Macon area
  • Dental hygiene philosophy: to educate patients on the importance of oral care, help them understand the mouth-body connection, maintain or improve their smile, and build lasting relationships with them.
  • Enjoys reading, arts and crafts, sewing, and DIY projects.

Our Testimonials

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